GALILEO Booth Display for GaETC 2015
GALILEO phone lanyards were popular at GaETC 2015
A cake to celebrate GALILEO’s 20th Birthday Cake at COMO 2015
Merryll Penson Speaks as part of the GALILEO’s 20th Birthday celebration at COMO 2015
GALILEO Booth Display for COMO 2015
Carl Grant Recognizes GALILEO’s 15th Anniversary
Russell Gives ILL Tips
Full Room for Lunch
Jennifer Shares Britannica Resources
Toby Gives the Digital Library of Georgia Update
Karen Shares Tips for Using GALILEO
Gene, Bill, and Bill Chat during the Break
George Hard at Work during a Break
Helene Delivers the Keynote
Toni Welcomes Attendees
Libraries and Money
Toni and Helene Prepare for the Welcome and Keynote
GOLD Table with Tag Cloud
David Conversing before the Conference
Gordon and Bill Catch Up