While volunteering in The West Africa Theological Seminary Library located in Lagos, Nigeria during November,2009, I assisted with identifying subject headings and call numbers. In the accompanying picture I am training several other volunteers who were with me on this trip to identify the major parts of a book’s bibliographic record. The seminary is undergoing major renovation, and the library staff is in the middle of three ambitious projects: a) adding donated books to their collection, b) converting their card catalog to an online catalog, and c) preparing to convert their collection from DDC to LOC. I am continuing to serve in a volunteer role as mentor and consultant for library related questions.

Using GALILEO in Africa
Joan Taylor, Public Services Librarian from Clayton State University and GOLD Representative on the GALILEO Steering Committee, volunteering in The West Africa Theological Seminary Library located in Lagos, Nigeria during in November, 2009
Taylor, Joan
Clayton State University
Morrow, Clayton, Georgia
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