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GALILEO Helped Me Develop a Love for Lifelong Learning

GALILEO Helped Me Develop a Love for Lifelong Learning



LaVerne McLaughlin, Director of James Pendergrast Memorial Library at Albany State University, says, “GALILEO has been my knowledge center from its inception. I have used it when writing a book. It was wonderful to have GALILEO resources at my fingertips to assist my son in his research in highschool, college, and now graduate school. Also along the way, Galileo helped me and my husband to locate virtual resources needed for completing the research for our doctoral studies. I also continue to keep a watch on GALILEO as a health tool to learn more about health disparities that affect minorities. I have also used the Georgia Vault to find out more about the cause of death for my great, great grandfather which provided the link for me regarding my father and his siblings battles with kidney disease. Through Galileo I have taken armchair travels around the world through visiting the many libraries that are available globally. I can go anywhere I want to go with Galileo. All I can say is WOW! What a great place to learn and grow. GALILEO has helped me develop a love for lifelong learning and a desire to pass on the knowledge that I have acquired to others.”


McLaughlin, LaVerne
Albany State University
Albany, Dougherty, Georgia

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