Taking a look at the GALILEO community…
The GALILEO Scrapbook highlights GALILEO in the everyday lives of the schools, libraries, homes, and the people of Georgia.
Since September 21, 1995, GALILEO has been in constant service to Georgians and Georgia Libraries, serving reliable, credible, and valuable information resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Over 2000 institutions participate in GALILEO’s collection of core library resources, providing the best possible stewardship of precious state dollars through collaborative purchasing power. GALILEO is a core resource for Georgia libraries, which are working harder than ever to serve their communities and help small businesses, job seekers, and students thrive.
Add your pictures and media to the scrapbook!
Submit your best wishes, memorable pictures, stories, or quotes about GALILEO in your library or GALILEO history. Submissions may include Georgia Student Media Festival entries using GALILEO resources, as well as videos or pictures showing the importance and use of GALILEO in your school or library. The “Where I’m From in GALILEO” lesson plan is a great way to work with students to create a submission for both the Georgia Student Media Festival and the GALILEO scrapbook. All submissions will be displayed in the GALILEO scrapbook.